COVID-19: Scatterling wants to help

As you well know, the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated in the USA. Firstly, our thoughts go out to everyone already impacted by the disease. We appreciate all citizens’ and organizations’ efforts to self-isolate and “flatten the curve.” We also want to especially thank the healthcare workers and essential services workers on the front lines making a difference. As a result of your inspiring effort, we are now offering our Scatterling remote worker safety monitoring service, for the next 3 months to new subscribers:

  • FREE to Healthcare or Essential Services organizations.

  • 50 % off for all other organizations forced to now work remotely.

Happy International Women's Day!

It’s International Women’s Day! Celebrated globally every March 8th, this year’s theme is #EachforEqual. It is aimed to shed light on the difference each individual person can make in striving toward gender equality. #EachforEqual has a goal of inspiring collective individualism and emphasizing that we are responsible for our own individual thoughts and actions.  

The Dangers of Working Alone in Agriculture

Did you know that one in 12 jobs in the United States is dependent on the agriculture industry in some way? According to PayScale, more than 22 million workers were employed in an agriculture-related field in 2018. With contributions of over $100 billion to the US economy, the agriculture industry is a key driver of economic growth in the United States. There over approximately 2 million farms in total in the US, each employing its own family of

How to protect your business from being sued

According to the US Financial Education Foundation, there are an estimated 100 million lawsuits filed every year in the United States. With that said, the US Chamber Institute for Legal Reform reported that litigation costs continue to increase and consume a higher percentage of corporate revenues each year. Duke Law School conducted a survey of 36 large US corporations who had faced litigation between the years 2000 and 2008. They found that between these years, litigation costs (as a percentage of revenues) increased by 78% for 14 of those companies. In 2008, the average outside cost of litigation was close to