Scatterling Webinar February 2019: Technology and Workplace Violence for Health & Care Workers

Webinar Summary:

Preventing Violence

Violence against healthcare workers is a growing problem in the industry. While no one is immune to violence, being armed with the knowledge to diffuse a hazardous situation can mean the difference between life and death.

Understanding Risks and Hazards Before They Happen

The key to practicing safe work habits is identifying any and all risks before they ever pose a threat. We teach you how to identify these risks and what to do about them.

Safe Working Strategies

Understanding the risks of working alone is only half the battle. To stay safe, workers must know how to handle themselves and their environment. We provide key strategies for health care professionals that provide remote care, and for handling aggressive or agitated clients.

Scatterling Product Overview

Reduce Severity with lone worker monitoring and notification. A lone worker is a worker away from help, in this case it can be a care giver(s) in the field. We discuss pro active check in protocols, panic buttons, impact detection and more.

Protect your employees with the best lone worker safety monitoring platform.

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