A Guide to Setting up a Successful Worker Check-in Program For Water and Wastewater Companies 


Who is this for?

US and Canadian water and wastewater employers who want to effectively protect their workforce on the job. 

Do you know how to best protect your field workers? 

Did you know that the water industry in North America is one of the most hazardous industry sectors, due to the unique risks that field workers face on a regular basis? The fact that many workers are required to work alone or in isolation during COVID-19 only magnifies their risk. The safety of water workers is essential and should your company's top priority. 


To keep your people safe, Scatterling wants to help you stay up-to-date on the hazards associated with working in the water industry, as well as techniques to manage your risk. 

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Topics Include: 

During this webinar, we will carry out a detailed discussion on:

  1. Water and wastewater industry hazards: focusing on biological, chemical, and physical hazards. 

  2. COVID-19 considerations for water companies 

  3. Contact tracing and what your organization can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 

  4. Identify the benefits of utilizing a software solution like Scatterling within your organization. 

  5. Highlight what your company can do to keep your workforce safe.

About the Speaker:

Kyle Touhey - Cropped - Profile Picture.png

KYLE TOUHEY - President of Scatterling

Kyle Touhey has been working with Tsunami to provide remote worker safety solutions since 2004. Mr. Touhey has formal technical education, as well as a background in Product and Marketing. Scatterling as a variant of our existing SafetyLine technology to better meet the needs of worker safety in the USA.

Scatterling is a proud member of the American Water Works Association:


Benefits of Attending This Webinar:

Learn the Power of Automated Technology

Scatterling is a proven check-in monitoring tool for remote workers. Using mobile technology, Scatterling reports worker status updates and locations, and allows users to signal for help with a panic button, or with motion-sensing man-down and impact detection.

FREE COPY to our eBook

To say thanks for signing up, we'll provide you with a digital copy of Scatterling’s eBook "Worker Monitoring and Safety Check-ins for Water and Wasterwater Companies.”

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