public works and infrastructure support services workers

Essential Services: Protecting Public Works and Infrastructure Workers, The Champions Behind the Scenes

When a sewer line breaks in your neighborhood, who comes to fix it? If a crack develops in the bridge you drive over every day, who makes sure that it doesn’t get so bad the bridge collapses? Or what about the worker who comes when you have a family of skunks under your deck? These are all public works and infrastructure support services workers who, often behind the scenes, make sure our society runs as normally as possible by supporting public services and maintaining the operation of buildings and businesses such as hospitals and senior facilities.

Essential Services: Food and Agriculture Workers, Protecting Those Who Feed Our Communities

Farms and agricultural operations must make it a priority to protect the more than 22 million workers who help provide healthy, affordable food for the shelves, produce bins, and meat and dairy aisles of the nation’s many grocery stores and markets. But in addition to feeding and nourishing our communities and families, the agriculture industry is a key driver of economic growth in the United States, injecting over $100 billion to the US economy. Our workforce relies on food and agriculture workers as well. Agriculture and its related industries provide employment for