Mitigating Risks for Lone Workers in Water Utility Companies

Water Supply: Who Makes It Happen 

Lone worker safety is not limited to jobs on land; managing risks for employees at water companies is increasingly important. Unaccompanied work in water and wastewater industries poses numerous unique risks, from dangerous materials, confrontational customers, and secluded locations. Naturally, the people who are responsible for our water supply are not the first people on our minds when we turn on the shower. Not to mention, most consumer interactions with water companies are with customer service representatives or employees working in an office. But, these workers are just the tip of the iceberg within the organization.

At Scattering, we consider all of your employees. We recognize that an organization has multiple levels, many of which are not visible or evident to the general public. So when it comes to water companies, we are conscious of those employees who are on-site and working in a remote location. Water companies might provide water services to millions of clients. That being said, the workers who are responsible for this service are often required to work in secluded and potentially hazardous conditions and locations. Our products at Scatterling play a key role in mitigating the risks for these lone workers. 

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What Are The Risks? 

Tasks involved for workers at water companies may include supervising wastewater plants, monitoring meters, or checking water quality at remote pumping stations or reservoirs. With these tasks, come inevitable risks: uncertainties associated with high voltage materials, risks concerning hazardous or contaminated water, poisonous chemicals, and toxic gases that might be released. Working alone in conditions where some or all of these risks are present has the potential to be extremely dangerous and is a huge risk for the water company. Companies must be prepared in the event of an emergency since accidents do happen, and human error is unavoidable, this is where Scatterling can help.

Know When Something Is Wrong Right Away 

Lower the required check-in times for employees working in high-risk situations to be sure that they are safe, more frequently. If your employee misses a check-in, a notification will be sent out instantaneously. Motion sensors, including shake for an emergency, man-down detection, and fall detection provide added reassurance that an emergency will never fail to be detected. This is an invaluable addition to your water company.  

Dealing with Unseen Hazards

In the case of water company employees who will find themselves in situations alone, unseen hazards such as contaminated water, poisonous chemicals, and toxic gases might be released. Workers need to create regular check-in times, which allows a monitor to automate the process of the worker's safety and for the worker to provide an exact GPS location if anything would happen. In case of an incident, employees can access an emergency panic button on Scatterlings’ in-app feature or via a wearable Bluetooth panic button.

Save Money via Indirect Costs 

How many people does your company send to do a remote task? Is this figure necessary, or do they choose to send this many people simply for employees’ safety and supervision? In other words, could the job be done effectively by one person instead? If so, this is where Scatterling comes in. Let’s crunch some numbers.  

  • You send two workers to a job that will take 5 hours. 

  • Each employee has an hourly wage of $30/hour. 

  • Therefore, you spend $300 in wages for two employees on a 5-hour job. 

With Scatterling, you can send one employee with confidence in their safety. Sending one employee will not only cost half as much, but will be equally as safe. Furthermore, efficiency levels are boosted as other employees’ efforts can be applied elsewhere. If something goes wrong, you will know right away and be able to act accordingly.  

Scatterling: Your Safety Solution 

It’s imperative that water companies start thinking about preventative safety measures. Scatterling is your tool to protect your lone workers and mitigate employee and company risk. A situation where a worker is alone and unaccounted for simply should not exist. At Scatterling, we can help protect you, your employees, and your company.

Stay tuned for our next article Safe practices for workers in the water sector. Don’t want to miss a blog article? Sign up for our newsletter here.


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