Farms and agricultural operations must make it a priority to protect the more than 22 million workers who help provide healthy, affordable food for the shelves, produce bins, and meat and dairy aisles of the nation’s many grocery stores and markets. But in addition to feeding and nourishing our communities and families, the agriculture industry is a key driver of economic growth in the United States, injecting over $100 billion to the US economy. Our workforce relies on food and agriculture workers as well. Agriculture and its related industries provide employment for
Essential Services: Energy Workers Protecting the Lives of Those Who Power Our Communities
While many of us are working from home, social distancing ourselves and our families to slow and hopefully prevent the spread of COVID-19, we are realizing how reliant we are on energy services, which keep our lights on, our homes warm and the fridges and ovens on so we can feed our families.
We are going to look at what can be done to protect our energy workers, those who are working behind the scenes in energy services so that we can maintain some sort of normalcy within our homes and in other essential services like healthcare while the
Has Your Productivity Decreased While Working from Home?
As I write this, I am ironically attempting to be productive while entertaining my one-year-old son who is crawling around my feet. During this societal exercise in social distancing, I, like many others around the world, are working from home. There are a number of unique challenges that come with working from home or teleworking, many of which have been addressed on our Scatterling blog. One of these challenges is how to stay productive in the less-structured and sometimes chaotic environment of a home office. Here are 10 tips to stay productive while working from home:
Successfully Manage Your Company From Home
To stop the spread of COVID-19, companies throughout the US are adapting to their new work-from-home realities. Several industries are accustomed to working remotely or occasionally from home, making this transition a seamless one. However, for many companies, this change is significant and may be difficult to navigate for employers and employees alike. This article will outline best practices for company owners and managers to help continue with successful business operations from home.
How to Successfully Communicate With Your Remote Workforce in the Water Utility Industry
The water industry is one of the most hazardous and over-looked industry sectors in the US due to the unique risks that workers are regularly faced with. It was once considered the most dangerous industry in the US, due to the hazards associated with confined space entry. Data gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Safety Council, and the American Water Works Association concluded that injury rates within the water industry far exceed those in other utilities. Thus, the safety of water workers is essential and should be the top priority of your organization. This article will outline the hazards associated with working in the water industry, as well as how your water company could benefit from implementing a