hazards of working alone

Home Hazard Assessment Guide Part 2: Emergency Communication Plan

In addition to the unique hazards associated with working from home, maintaining open lines of communication may prove to be a considerable challenge for your company. However, it doesn’t have to be. Part 2 of our Hazard Assessment Guide is designed to help you and your people stay in touch to mitigate the risks associated with working from home in your respective industry. This segment will cover communication tactics that should be carried out in the event of an emergency.  

Home Hazard Assessment Guide Part 1: Hazard Identification

The US workforce is making the shift from office to home in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. With this transition, comes new challenges for companies and for employees. It’s important to appreciate that even though your staff no longer have a commute to work and will no longer be performing their jobs in a physical office, safety hazards still exist in the home. This segment is part one of five in our Work-From-Home Hazard Assessment Guide to help you and your employees work safely from home. It will provide a step-by-step outline to follow when conducting a thorough at-home hazard assessment.

Top 7 Workplace Safety Hazards in the USA

According to the National Safety Council of America, one worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. This is a very significant statistic! It means that companies must begin taking steps toward cultivating a positive safety culture. The first step is identifying common hazards and practices that could jeopardize the health and safety of employees. Here is a list that we put together of the top 7 safety hazards in the US workplace to help your company get started. 

Tips to Prevent Winter Workplace Accidents and Hazards

As we begin to shift from fall to winter, new hazards in the workplace need to be addressed. If companies employ workers who do most of their job outside, new considerations such as hypothermia and frostbite, pose unique risks to the workforce. These hazards, along with many others, can be safely avoided with open communication, proactive safety measures, and a thorough involvement of all staff members in your company’s safety procedures. We will look at a few of the main safety hazards in the workplace that are unique to the cold, winter months that are upon us.

Proactive and Reactive Safety Measures in the Workplace

Employees should feel confident that their health and safety are top priorities in their work environment. Although incidents in the workplace are often unpredictable, exercising proactive safety protocols not only decrease the probability of an accident occurring in the first place, they also make dealing with an incident much more manageable.

A Positive Safety Culture

Safety culture encompasses the expectations, feelings, and perspectives of employees toward the safety of all workers in an organization - it is how safety is managed in the workplace. Of course, taking a proactive approach